We tend to think of philanthropy in terms of charity – sharing with others who have a need. Giving to others. Helping the poor.
There is a clearly a need for charity in our community. We hear stories every day where a child lives in hunger. A neighbor can’t afford their medications. A mother trades her own health care for the chance to take her child to the doctor. A worker loses a job, and quickly joins the ranks of the medically uninsured. Someone we love gets a scary diagnosis.
And our donors and friends are moved to help others through a temporary or a permanent struggle. They make a one-time gift, they attend a special event or they join a giving club and make an annual contribution. On behalf of those who have been helped, we say a sincere Thank You!
We are challenged to widen our view of philanthropy as we become a grant-making resource for our community. We can simply pass along financial support, and sometimes, that will be the right answer. Often, though, we will need to look closer at the underlying factors of the problem and try to move closer to the cause rather than addressing the symptom.
Our Foundation needs thinkers who will agree that a healthier community is possible. We need proactive, creative people and fresh ideas to make a significant, enduring change in our community. We need partners who represent all the sectors of the community and who will become catalysts for change. We need leaders.
Is that YOU? Call us or contact us today and let’s chat.