RHI Legacy Foundation’s major purpose is to provide grant funding to support existing organizations that are aligned with three health focus areas: Chronic Disease, Healthy Eating, and Active Living. The Foundation also provides funding to develop new services or projects that improve the overall health and wellness of people living and working in Rutherford County.
“RHI Legacy Foundation is again pleased to be able to offer financial assistance to local non-profit organizations. We look forward to continuing to support important health initiatives and strategic partnerships in Rutherford County”, stated Terry Hines, the Foundation’s Executive Director.
Since 2015, the Foundation has awarded over $1,745,000 to non-profit entities to create or expand health services, to meet the basic needs of county residents and to provide additional avenues for outdoor and recreational activity.
The Foundation will accept applications for 2017 funding beginning on Monday, May 1 through Friday, June 30. A thorough description of each of the focus areas and limitations appears on their website at www.RHILegacyFoundation.com. Emphasis will be placed on disease prevention, screenings for existing disease and overall health improvement through good nutrition and opportunities for physical activity.
RHI Legacy Foundation welcomes applications from organizations that serve people in Rutherford County. Exempt governmental units, religious institutions or charitable entities may apply. Applications should be submitted through the Foundation’s website in the section specific to grants. Examples of past grants and answers to frequently asked questions appear on the website. Grants will be evaluated based on the measurable impact of the project, the consistency with the mission of the Foundation, the requestor’s ability to sustain the project beyond grant funding and the project’s adherence to the 2017 focus areas. Agencies that are selected for approval will receive funds in October 2017. Subsequent progress reports and site visits will be required for partners that receive grant funding.
Applicants with questions about eligibility or who need assistance with the grant process are invited to call Community Impact Director Jill Miracle in the RHI Legacy Foundation office at 828-202-4630.